ન્હાતા સમયે તમે નથી કરતાં આ ભૂલ? આજથી જ સુધારી લો, નહીંતર થઈ જશો પરેશાન

We bathe daily to keep ourselves fresh. Some people like to bathe twice a day and some even at night. Did you know that not taking a bath at the right time can be

ન્હાતા સમયે તમે નથી કરતાં આ ભૂલ? આજથી જ સુધારી લો, નહીંતર થઈ જશો પરેશાન

harmful for you. Apart from this, some people clean their skin wrongly while taking a bath, which leads to skin damage. Today we will tell you what mistakes should be avoided while taking a bath at the wrong time.

take a bath

Keep these things in mind

Shaving while bathing should not be done at all. Rain comes quickly and it can take some time to prepare the skin for shaving. After about 5 to 7 minutes of soaking, the skin becomes soft and ready for shaving. If you twist the razor while showering, it can injure you.

ગળાના દુઃખાવાથી શરૂ કરીને બળતરા સુધી સમસ્યાનો ઈલાજ છે આ વસ્તુ

Do not wash off makeup

Don’t make the mistake of removing makeup while taking a shower. If you try to remove the makeup by adding water while taking a bath, then the makeup does not

આ ફળના બીજનું સેવન થી   શરીરમાં ગમે તેવી જામી ગયેલી પથરી બહાર નીકળી જશે

 come off completely and the skin becomes dry. Bathing in hot water will relieve your fatigue, but there is a risk of skin damage, so bathing in hot water should be avoided as much as possible.

Avoid bathing at this time

If you are in the habit of taking a bath before going to bed then it can spoil your health. Your body temperature drops at night before going to sleep so keep a gap of at least two hours between the time of sleeping and the time of bathing. Also,

avoid showering immediately after working out or exercising. Showering immediately after exercise will affect your blood flow and may make you feel dizzy.