સાપ ડંખ મારે તો શરીરમાં ઝેર ન ફેલાય એ માટે શું કરશો? ઝેરી સાપને કેમ ઓળખશો?

few days ago, a 17-year-old girl was bitten by a snake in Khargaon, Madhya Pradesh. The family took the girl to a government hospital, where treatment was initiated. Just then a member of the family took Bhuwa to the hospital

સાપ ડંખ મારે તો  શરીરમાં ઝેર ન ફેલાય એ માટે શું કરશો? ઝેરી સાપને કેમ ઓળખશો?

Called and started exorcism. There was commotion in the hospital for two hours when the doctors stopped the treatment. Deterioration of health due to prolonged lack of treatment

Finally the girl died. Today in work news, we will talk about what to do if you see a snake somewhere in the house in this rainy season. What should be done immediately if bitten by a snake by mistake?

Expert: Dr. Richa Tiwari, Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, Faridabad

Question: Which places have a higher risk of encountering snakes during the rainy season?

Answer: Snakes are generally more common in this season where there is water or where there is more grass, trees and bushes like-

construction site

Tracking location

Near river-lake

A forest or bamboo field

Question: How to avoid snake bite?


People sleeping on the ground should use normal mosquito nets. lie down in bed

Wear long boots when you go to mountainous areas.

Making noise with a stick on the ground in a place where there is danger of snakes.

No digging should be done in places where snakes are suspected to be hiding, under stones, inside pits.

Do this remedy if a snake is seen or enters the house or shop

According to Moiz Ahmed, secretary of Nova Nature Society, which works for environmental protection in Chhattisgarh.

First find a safe place for yourself.

Sprinkle kerosene or phenyl in the room, the snake will come out automatically with its smell.

Instead of killing or repelling the snake yourself, a snake charmer or expert should be called immediately.

There are some measures which can reduce the chances of snakes entering the house. like-

Keep mowing the grass around your house periodically.

Do not allow any kind of garbage to accumulate in the house or shop.

If there are small holes and cracks in the house or shop or garage, then close it.

If you are going to visit a farm or any tourist spot, be careful.
Make sure to put grates on the mouths of house drains.

Despite all this, if a snake enters your house, you can also adopt some measures, through which the snake will come out of your house by itself.

Question: Which snakes are poisonous in India?

Answer: There are more than 300 species of snakes in India. Out of these, 4 species of snakes are highly venomous, whose bite or sting causes maximum death.

Public health experts have released a report on snakebite deaths in India, according to-

Every year 58 thousand people die from snake bites across the country.

Indians account for more than half of snakebite deaths worldwide.

Most of the victims are farmers, labourers, hunters, shepherds, snake charmers, tribals and migrants.

According to a study by ICMR, due to venomous snakes in the world

Half of the deaths occur in India. The biggest reason behind this is that only 30% of Indians go to the hospital for treatment after a snake bite.

Question: What problems do snake bites or stings cause in the body?

Answer: Snake bites or stings show different symptoms like-

Pain and swelling at the site of the bite

Nausea and vomiting



Changes in skin color

Abdominal pain – diarrhea


The bite has turned black


feeling thirsty

Low BP

Bleeding from the wound

Blackening around the limb

Question: What is it about snake venom that causes death?

Answer: Snake venom contains many components. These substances kill the cells in the part of the body where the snake has bitten.


After this it reaches different parts of our body through blood and kills the cells of different organs, due to which the person dies. This is the reason why it is advisable to take the person to the hospital after first aid

is given, so that snake antivenom can be given to him. This prevents the snake venom from spreading to other parts of the body.

Question: What is snake anti-venom?

Ans: It is a medicine that starts fighting the poison as soon as it reaches the body and destroys its effect. It is given as an injection.

Whether the snake is venomous or not, snake antivenom is very effective, starting to counteract and neutralize the venom as soon as it enters the body through injection.

Q: In which hospitals is this anti-snake venom available?

Answer: Injections to prevent snake venom are available at every community health center and district hospital in the state.

Question: What are the symptoms of snake bite and what should be done as first aid?

Answer: Following are the symptoms…

Question: Many people say that after being bitten by a snake, one should also know its species, should it really be done?

Answer: No, it is not necessary to know the species of snake. An anti-snake venom has now been developed that can be administered to any snake bite.